LashKouture's "Lash District"
Money, power and respect are just a few of the things that run this lash game. But what I've learned is when you play the game, the district ALWAYS wins!
In this business you have to know how to hold your own with or without a solid team behind you. Know that there will always be persons out to tear you down, be like you and double cross you, but once you stay true to yourself, stay original and stay focused you'll always come out on top!
Know that this doesn't come easy, we spent some VERY LONG NIGHTS on this, nights where we didn't think we could push through but we did. Why? Because we want this more than anything else in the world!
I introduce to you Lash Koutures" Lash District" MONEY, BLVD, STREET, AVENUE, SIREN and DISTRICT
The head hauncho "BLVD" away on business left the lead diva "MONEY" in charge of the last lash hiest but obviously things went left! Money found out that her "team" Savage, Lux, Posh and Rose' was about that double cross life, and well ya'll see how that played out.
Let's see how this one goes down!